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REPARATIONS: From Concept to Reality!

The Reparation Education Project presents an exciting new reparations 101 resource - 

"REPARATIONS: From Concept to Reality!" This succinct 6 minute video is designed for wide audiences to introduce viewers to the issue of reparations. Feel free to share widely. Script & Narration by Nkechi Taifa, Esq. Illustrations by Molly Crabapple Directed by Kim Boekbinder & Jim Batt Produced by Reparation Education Project, Inc. & Sharp As Knives

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FirstRepair and BLIS Collective

Release Empowering Single
"Agitate, Educate, Organize" (AEO)

to Amplify Black Reparations Movement 

Upcoming Events


Reparations on Fire

Reparations on Fire by Nkechi Taifa explores the spread of the reparation movement’s multiple fronts, encompassing the local, national, and international arenas, much of it occurring in 2020 and 2021. What is new? What does the international and national tell us about the local and what does the local tell us about the other two?  Is the reparations movement now starting local and trickling up and out? What about the role of other culpable entities outside of government, such as academic and religious institutions, and corporations, industries, and private estates? 

This book exists because of both the promise and danger of this moment, and because of the rapidly spreading momentum across the country on the issue. 

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The Reparation Education Project (REP), a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, supports the escalating movement for reparations as a resource for those exploring historical and current information and analysis on reparations. Led by one of the most knowledgeable and longest-serving experts on the issue in the country, REP partners with allied organizations that are part of the diverse racial justice ecosystem and brings added value to reparatory justice initiatives around the country.

The Reparation Education Project specializes in presentations and trainings on reparations to non-profit organizations, federal, state, and municipal government, educational and religious institutions, businesses and celebrity influencers, philanthropy, and private estates. REP also serves as a trusted advisor and strategic thought partner and brings to the table indispensable capacities for successful cross-sector collaboration.

The groundswell of attention to repairing the traumas and inequities of the past through reparations is mushrooming. The REP is well-positioned with the requisite history, expertise, and experience to both deepen and accelerate the movement forward as part of the exciting and escalating national and international reparations conversation.

Nkechi Taifa's TEDxTalk

REPARATIONS: An Issue Whose Time Has Come

Reparations for Black people, once fringe, has now captured the imagination of faith, academic and civic groups, as well as corporations, cities, states, and the federal government. Taifa's powerful TEDx talk, sprinkled with a personal journey, also describes ongoing legacies from the enslavement era visible today. The talk shows unequivocally that reparations is an issue whose time has come, and fundamental to a long-overdue national reckoning of race in America.


Queen Mother Moore and Nkechi Taifa

Queen Mother Moore -

Mother of the
Reparations Movement

The late, great Queen Mother Audley Moore was one of the most prolific proponents of reparations for African-descended people in the United States and throughout the world. Known as the mother of the modern-era reparations movement, she worked closely with Marcus Garvey’s Universal Negro Improvement Association, was a founder of the Universal Association of Ethiopian Women, the Committee for Reparations for Descendants of U.S. Slaves, and the Republic of New Afrika, to name a few.


Queen Mother Moore was a staunch supporter of the National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America, and influenced leaders such as Nelson and Winnie Mandela, Rosa Parks, Imari Obadele, Jesse Jackson and countless others.

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President Imari Obadele -

Father of the
Reparations Movement

While Queen Mother Moore is heralded as the Mother of the Modern-Era Reparations movement, President Imari Obadele has been signaled as its Father.  Although largely erased from mainstream history, Obadele was the leading theoretician behind the 1968 establishment of the Provisional Government of the Republic of New Afrika, which called for the creation of a sovereign Black nation-state to encompass five states in the deep south, along with the payment of reparations for the enslavement era and subsequent inhumane atrocities against Black people.


He was the visionary behind the creation of the National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America in 1987, which led to today’s mainstreaming of the reparations movement in the U.S. 

Bio >>>

AbAboutReparations >>>

Omari Obadele and Nkechi Taifa
Congressman John Conyers and Nkechi Taifa

Congressman John Conyers- first introduced H.R. 40 Bill

Congressman John Conyers, Jr. (D-MI) served in the U.S. House of Representatives for 52 years, nearly one-fifth of the House’s entire existence. In 1989, on the heels of the Civil Liberties Act which granted reparations to Japanese Americans for their unjust incarceration during World War II, Congressman Conyers introduced what later became known as H.R. 40 – the Commission to study and develop reparation proposals for African Americans Act.


His role and contribution to advancing the issue of reparations in the U.S. has been exceptional. Year after year he has introduced H.R. 40 and, upon his retirement in 2017, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee is continuing his tradition, which now enjoys more co-sponsors than ever in history.


When passed, H.R.40 will provide the mechanism through which to have a public policy conversation about the long-overdue issue of reparations in the Congress of the United States. 

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Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee - Current H.R. 40 Lead Sponsor

“Sheila Jackson Lee(D-TX) is an influential and forceful voice in Washington, representing the 18th Congressional District in Texas. Upon the retirement of Congressman John Conyers, Jackson Lee assumed the lead sponsorship of H.R. 40, speaking forcefully across the country in support of the legislation, and successfully gaining more co-sponsors than any in its over three decade-history.” 

Bio >>>

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Photo credit: People’s Organization for Progress



Selected Reparations Presentations with REP Director

Reparations RoundUp News
Reparations Town Hall on Martha's Vineyard!
It's here! The full video to the historic Reparations Town Hall on Martha's Vineyard, July 30, 2024 in Oak Bluffs, MA! History-In-The-Making! Sit back, Check it out, Enjoy, Share! See Program Below: PROGRAM: MC: Nkechi Taifa, Executive Director, Reparation Education Project, Inc. Guest Speaker: Attorney Margaret Burham - Founder, Civil Rights & Restorative Justice Project Northwestern University Law School Special Remarks: Kristi Orisabiyi Williams - Tulsa Activist & Massacre Descendant Toni Kaufffman - President, NAACP of Martha's Vineyard - Land Acknowledgement & Welcome to MV Distinguished Guest Witness Panel to Receive Town Hall Testimonies: Kathleen Anderson - co-chair New England N'COBRA Roach Brown - Crossroads Talk Show host Vanessa Hall Harper - Councilmember, Tulsa, OK Caroline Hunter - Martha's Vineyard Polar Bears Kristina Hook - Aquinnah Wampanoag Tribal Elder Zakiya Sankara Jabar - co-Founder, Racial Justice NOW! Deborah Jackson - Managing Director, Center for Law, Equity & Race, NE University Law School Jemadari Kamara - Africana Studies Professor, UMass Boston Toni M. Kauffman - President, NAACP of Martha's Vineyard Robin Imani Proudie - Executive Director, Descendants Saint Louis University Enslaved Town Hall Testimonials/Comments - Town Hall Audience Facilitators: Billi Wilkerson, Managing Director, Thurgood Marshall Civil Rights Center, Howard Law School Aziza Robinson Goodnight - Founder, Repair America Collective Charles Ogletree Ceremonial Tribute Facilitation Makani Themba, Chief Strategist, Higher Ground Change Strategies Town Hall Organizing Committee: Nkechi Taifa, Rachelle Viki Browne, Billi Wilkerson, Aziza Robinson Goodnight, Robin Imani Proudie, Kathleen Anderson, Makani Themba, Renada Harris, Oforiwa Idawa. THANK YOU TO REPARATION EDUCATION PROJECT DONORS: Liberation Ventures Decolonizing Wealth Project Corporate Giveaways: Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream; LUSH Cosmetics On site videography: Ijahni Videography Editing and Producers - Baba Yao Enun, Nkechi Taifa Tribute Songs - REP does not own the copyright: Time for Reparations - Sounds of Blackness Reparations Hip Hop Anthem - ALAZ & First Repair Ella's Song - Sweet Honey in the Rock Thanks to Martha's Vineyard newspapers and facebook pages, Chowder Company/Loft, Polar Bears, Union Chapel, Residents of MV, those who traveled, and all seen and unseen guests! Hosted by: Reparation Education Project, Inc. 7/30/2024
10 31 23 Reparations Monthly MeetUp 1


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Reparation Education Project, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization that is 100% tax deductible. Reparation Education Project supports the escalating movement for reparations as a resource for those exploring historical and current information and analysis on reparations. We welcome your charitable donations to help strengthen our role as a key resource in the reparations movement in the United States.


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